Services we offer

Residential Hydroseeding

We can hydroseed only, aeravate and hydroseed for renovation or to address a prepared site that have been rained on prior to seeding, to a complete tilling/preparation of your final graded site using a soil-cultivator. All of this done while keeping everything in place (seed and soil) until germination.

  • You chose your seed
  • You can
      * prepare the site (or we can)
      * add soil amendments to improve your sandy or clay soils (or we can)
  • The larger project, the lower the per SF cost is

Commercial Hydroseeding

Our commercial focus is 1-30 acres providing a short and long term solution at a reasonable cost.  Hydroseeding is more effective than blown straw mulch or rolled erosion control products (RECP) in both reducing sediment from moving off site and in establishing permanent ground cover onsite.  We offer multiple mulch options to address flat sites to 1:1 slopes.  Seeding options range from seeding only, e.g. spreading 5 pound of seed equally over an acre, to mixes that address your soil Ph, organic matter, nutrient deficiency, and will probably keep everything in place until germination.

  • Minimize Erosion, especially sheet erosion
  • Promote long-term soil health
  • Provide faster Temporary and Permanent ground cover than other seeding techniques
  • Perfect for Native grasses that have extremely low application rates

Hydroseeding isn’t always enough

Hydroseeding is great, however it can’t always meet your site requirements.  We can also apply silt fence, TRM’s, wattles, or other erosion control BMPs (Best Management Practices)  to help achieve permanent ground cover and minimize the potential for erosion. 

Soil Amendment Options

Soil condition affect all aspects of plant growth. Fertilization and Lime (soil Ph) are important for plant growth and are routinely specified; however frequently don’t adequately address the soil conditions for sustained ground cover.    We can add fast acting lime, soil  bio-stimulates, organic matter, or a blend of all to sustain long term plant viability.

  • Proganics Dual:  to increase organic matter, boost soil fertility, and add mulch in a single product.
  • Jump Start: additive to accelerate establishment and germination of ground cover. **
  • BioPrime: slow release soil amendments to rejuvenate and/or improve poor soils for mines or poor soils. **
  • Slow release fertilizer: to help establish long term ground cover.
  • Neutra Lime: Fast acting lime to rapidly adjust acidic soils to enable plant nutrient uptake
  • Black Wonder 5000:  Soil  builder  includes a  of enzymes, beneficial microbes, microbial metabolites, minor nutrients, organic polymers, sea kelp, crab and lobster shell, mycorrhizal fungi, gypsum, humic acid, and amino acids to improve plant health, soil quality, and germination.

Top Soil Alternatives

Year-Round Beauty for Schools, Hospitals, Banks, & More!

Any experienced business owner can explain the value of curb appeal. How your commercial space looks can make or break a business. While we have all seen poor landscaping before, few of us realize the power of a beautiful, vibrant, and rich landscape design until we enjoy one personally. That is the service that we offer to commercial clients throughout the country—a lush, attractive landscape that can be a source of pride for any business manager.

Hardscape for Commercial Properties

Hardscaping, put simply, is the use of stones or inorganic materials in a landscape design. For example, a granite-step walkway would be an example of a hardscape element. Hardscaping is unique from landscaping in that it is not growing or seasonal, but it is still a vital part of a healthy landscape. Hardscaping adds a powerful new dimension to any landscape design. Our knowledgeable stonemasons work with our landscape design specialists to provide diverse forms of lawn care splendor.

More examples of effective hardscaping include:

  • Stone pathways
  • Walls
  • Patios
  • Staircases
  • Stone slabs
  • Stepping stones
  • Permeable pavers
  • Reinforced turf

In contrast, softscape is made of all the organic parts of a landscape, which includes:

  • Garden beds
  • Shrubs
  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • Grass
  • Soil/turf
Have any questions?

1 (800) 123 1234

Soil amendment options with hydroseeding service.

Maintaining beauty on a commercial property year-round requires a level of detail and expertise that requires a professional’s insight. When it comes to expertise businesses can depend on, The Beautiful Lawn is the most trusted name in commercial lawn care and landscaping services. We provide for commercial properties throughout Canada, including schools, hospitals, and shopping centres.

Organic Lawn Care

  • Creates efficient soil drainage
  • Minimizes erosion of the turf
  • Requires less frequent upkeep
  • Promotes growth of soil microorganisms
  • Safer for people and animals
  • Promotes soil resilience

Hybrid Lawn Care

  • Safe for people and animals
  • Helps the soil stay healthier for longer
  • Builds drought-resistant plant life
  • Requires less frequent mowing and trimming
  • Traditional fertilizer will help prevent weeds

Traditional Lawn Care

  • Often costs less than natural fertilizer
  • Can deliver quicker results
  • Is better for moderate use/growth
  • Not as safe for people and animals
Our Different Landscaping Schedule Packages

The central part of our’ values is our commitment to our clients. You come first—always. Each of our packages creates beautiful, lush landscapes that bring out the best in your business’ appearance. We prevent the growth of weeds and the annoyance of pests as well while using safe measures that result in a healthier property.

Our team of landscape specialists recognizes that different properties have different needs, so we have custom maintenance packages for various clients. Our team of landscape specialists recognizes that different properties have different needs, so we have custom maintenance packages for various clients.

Erosion Control Services for Commercial Properties

Outdoor lighting can impact the appearance of a property in profound ways. The right lighting can make your landscape look cohesive, clean, and attractive. Good lighting can mean the difference between an inviting location and a shoddy, dangerous-looking one.

We provide comprehensive outdoor lighting services to businesses and companies, including banks, hotels, schools, and hospitals. Our lighting solutions are elegant and efficient, offering beautiful designs that suit your specific needs.

Comprehensive Lighting Services for All Outdoor Needs.
Our lighting service programs include:
  • Replacing all bulbs
  • Installing holiday lighting
  • Handling all light timer concerns
  • Managing all electrical connections
  • Installing/maintaining fixtures
  • Adjusting lighting in landscape design
  • Ensuring plants and lights are safely separated
  • Repairing/burying below-ground wiring
Have any questions?

1 (800) 123 1234

Weed Control

Maintaining Your Property’s Safety & Beauty in Winter

The winter often brings with it a whole slew of concerns. However, The Beautiful Lawn is not just devoted to your lawn care—we are devoted to maintaining your peace of mind throughout the year. That’s why we offer snow and ice management for your commercial location during rough weather.

Property Assessment

Before winter has hit you hardest, our team will already be hard at work evaluating the grounds for effective cold weather preparation. We take into account any physical elements such as curbs, fire hydrants, hardscape, and more. When we return to clear away ice and snow, our team will be able to provide professional, precise, and efficient cleaning service.

Tailored Calibration

When our team works on your property, we measure and record all the particular needs of your land. We measure dew points, monitor asphalt temperatures, and prepare in every way for all the obstacles that winter brings. When The Beautiful Lawn prepares your property for snow and ice, you can have total peace of mind about the state of your commercial location.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Our team’s equipment is cutting-edge and extremely precise. We utilize the highest-level technology to ensure that we are serving your company in the most effective way possible. Our GPS tracking equipment for each of our vehicles also ensures we arrive at your property when you need us most.

Meteorological Tracking

To ensure we are serving you effectively and quickly, we monitor the weather. This allows us to remain aware of when you will most require service, and how we will need to prepare your property.

Have any questions?

1 (800) 123 1234

Straw Mulch and Seeding

Ensure the Beauty and Vitality of Your Business’s Landscape

The most basic way of ensuring your lawn looks strong, healthy, and lush year-round is having an effective irrigation system. Advanced irrigation keeps your soil well-nurtured while using precious resources responsibly. We offer powerful irrigation solutions for corporate locations to enable beautiful landscape designs from world-class grounds care specialists.

We Build Irrigation Systems for Various Companies.
Our irrigation systems include advanced benefits, such as:
  • Sustainable design for long-term usage
  • Effective water conservation
  • Prevents excessive water runoff
  • Drains water properly
  • Optimized for lawn growth
  • Custom design for every location
  • Efficient dispensation of water

Schedule an Appointment with Us Today!

Our mission is to exceed your expectations with our service—in fact, our code of values is based entirely on putting our clients first. From our first phone call with you to the cleanup process of every project, we aim to blow you away with the quality of our service.

That’s why we are the most trusted name in commercial landscaping and irrigation! With 250 locations in North America, our team is never too far to bring health and vibrancy to your property.

Have any questions?

1 (800) 123 1234